"talkative, loud mouthed, i talk alot of shit
the door way to my brain in the middle of my face
words float around in my heavy mind like outerspace
words fly fast out of my mouth like they’re in a race
i need to stop, take a breath, watch my pace
my memory sucks ass so the things i say can’t be traced
every intricate sentence is always laced
with foul language, stutters, I’m always tongue tied
how fast the words move in my mind i should be brain fried
i can’t even stop talking long enough to sigh
I don’t even try hard enough to say i tried
words thrown together so impulsively they sound like lies
fluttering from one topic to the other like a pretty butterfly
you’re in such awe by my words you have no choice to comply
my words are so slick, which make me so sly
you’re a dumbass and my word’s are a trick
talkative, loud mouthed, & i talk alot of shit"