
would you rather be with a good liar or a bad liar?
a bad liar wasted your time trying to lie & be slick when their game is sloppy,
& a good liar would play you like a xbox, but ignorance is bliss right?

im off to ask fb, my opinion is in bold.


1. how about be with a guy who tells you the truth :D

2. rock and a hard place,cuz i have not a good liar but a great liar;,
you need a bad liar;,cuz you can tell what they lien about easily;

ME; i would rather have a bad liar so i can call him out on his shit & have him feel stupid and not wanna lie anymore.

but a truthful guy would work too.

3. ahh but no dude will ever completly tell the truth;ever;its human nature to lie;

ME; i love liars who lie so much they believe it themselves, its extremely entertaining.

4. bad one....then people when know when your bein honest!

5. if only people were straight up 100% of the time people would have hurt feelings;
ME-but then again people would be tougher because it wouldnt be unusual to be told the truth to.